Friday, August 29, 2008

Linux Commands....

As the whole blog remains a very unsystematic representation of My learning.... @PS@Lexington Tower @Oracle @ 4A068,4A064...4A083... we will infact have this unsystematic schema recursively in the blogs also..

So, as we learn we will update the blog... Now, this is called Freedom.

Today my mentor gave me his site link, which had the as u learn, so as u dump...schema... in his website.
The link is :

Now comes the worst part.. knowledge which is jst not structured.

1. We get the system call nos. in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h. So adding a new system call we need to append an entry here.

2. We have ftp to get and put files in another system. now this file transfer protocol is quite comman.. I was just going thru net and found something called ncftp. ncftp gives additional features as bookmarking the folder u visited to get or put something. The bookmarks are kept in the location $HOME/.ncftp/bookmark.file.

So what is nc. A bit of research just got me to a blog which said nc may stand for netcat. Netcat is a very fundamental tool. FTP is very easy to handle.. u do ftp or ftp and you are prompted to enter user id and password . then u do cd to the location and then use bi for binary mode.. hash to show hashes as the file is being copied.. and then u do mget or mput..or just get or put.

But this is the application level of things.. FTP is an application which works on the principal or the fundamental layer of netcat which is a utility . something like a c code is first converted into an assembly language code. so these two are analogous.
try doing nc in the shell and type HELP. we get a no of basic commands so all operations are first written in terms of these basic commands and then assembly code and binary code which is executed then but the user sees is the ftp command. mget and mput.. so thanks to nc for making life easy... !!!

We talk of more here.. but this time a bit more systematic......(we will have them numbered :) )
1. To list the ports being used with the process we can use the command
              netstat -anp 
     Now to search for a given port we can use a pipe..and say
             netstat -anp|grep "port no." (without quotes.)

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